Property Details
Property Description
As a reminder, the sale of this property is subject to a 5% buyer's premium.
Legal Description
Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin and in the City of Columbus and bounded and described as follows: Being Lot Number Nine Hundred Forty-One (941) of the Devonshire No. 7 Addition, as the same is numbered and delineated upon the recorded plat thereof, of record in Plat Book 38, Pages 44 and 45, Recorder's Office, Franklin County, Ohio.
Foreclosure Details
PNC Bank National Association
Brown, Kathleen
Franklin County Court of Common Pleas
Conditions of Sale
The auction has ended.
Thu 3/30/2017 1:00 PM EDT
Thu 4/6/2017 1:00 PM EDT
Auction By

Richard F. Kruse