Property Details
Property Description
The property is reported to be 4 buildings on 2 contiguous parcels totaling 68,163 SqFt, including warehouse and office space. The first parcel contains 1 warehouse, built in 1926 and comprises 50,920 SqFt. It is a 4-story building with a full basement and 1 HB. It has a raised overhead door on the South side facing 2nd St. NE. The second parcel contains an office/ retail building and 2 posterior warehouses. The office building has an effective year built of 1896 and comprises 5,236 SqFt. There is approx. 3,000 SqFt of paved area on the North side partitioned by a 6 Ft chain fence. The second warehouse is a 1-story building totaling 4,559 SqFt, built in 1896. It has 2 HBs. It runs west from the rear of office building. There is an overhead door accessible from the North side via 3rd St. NE. The third warehouse consists of 7,448 SqFt and has effective built year of 1896. Building is 2-stories and has a full basement. There are two raised overhead doors on the west side accessible by a small loading area behind the office building. There is approx. 3,000 SqFt of concrete area on the Northeast side of property. All buildings have ducted heat/ gas and are of brick on masonry construction. No Central air. Parcel number: 229955, 209354. Note, there is a city order to repair or demolish building(s) in this offering. Contact the City of Canton Building Department for more information. Information provided by public sources and is believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. Auctioneer has not reviewed the interior of the structures. Appraised at $165,000.00. Minimum bid is $110,000.00 Information provided by public sources and is believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. Auctioneer has not been granted access to the interior. Brokers must register for commission prior to client registration and bidding at
Legal Description
PARCEL 1 Situated in the City of Canton, County of Stark and State of Ohio: Known as and being Lot Number One Hundred Forty-four (144) in said City. PARCEL 2 Situated in the City of Canton, County of Stark and State of Ohio, to wit: All of Lots One Hundred Forty-Two (142) and One Hundred Forty-Three (143) in the City of Canton, County of Star and State of Ohio. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Situated in the city of Canton, County of Stark and State of Ohio, known as and being a part of Lots No. 142 and 143; beginning at the northwest corner of Lot No. 142, the same being the intersection of the south line of Third Street, N.E. and the east line of Cherry Avenue N.E.; thence S 75 deg. 15' 14" E along the sourth line of Third Street N.E., a distance of 110.6 feet to a point and the true place of beginning of the tract herein described; thence continuing East along the south line of Third Street, N.E. a distance of 88.23 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot, thence S 14 deg. 56' 30" W along these lines of Lots No. 142 and 143 a distance of 97.8 feet; thence N 75 deg. 11' 14" W a distance of 87.88 feet to a point, said being 110.95 feet eastwardly from the east line of Cherry Avenue, N.E.; thence N 14 deg. 46' 30" E a distance of 97.95 feet to the true place of beginning. Parcel 1: Address: 200 Cherry Avenue, N.W., Canton, Ohio 44702 Parcel #: 229955 Prior Deed Ref: Deed Book 1647, Page 359. Parcel 2: Address: 220 Cherry Avenue, N.W., Canton, Ohio 44702 Parcel #: 209354 Prior Deed Ref: Instrument Number 96051314
Foreclosure Details
Conditions of Sale
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