Property Details
Legal Description
The following described real estate, situate in the City of Piqua in the County of Miami and the State of Ohio, and bounded and described as follows: Being Lot numbered two thousand three hundred forty-nine (2349) in said county, except two (2) feet taken by parallel lines off the west side; and being twelve (12) feet off the west side of lot number twenty-three hundred and fifty (2350), according to the numbering of lots in said city.
Foreclosure Details
U.S. Bank N.A., as trustee, on behalf of the holders of the J.P. Morgan Mortgage Acquisition Trust 2006-CH2 Asset Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-CH2
Grilliot, Robert O.
Miami County Court of Common Pleas
17 CV 00458
Conditions of Sale
The auction has ended.
Wed 7/11/2018 1:00 PM EDT
Wed 7/18/2018 1:00 PM EDT
Auction By

Richard F. Kruse