Auction Information
Bidding is located at:
TJSC OFFICE – 1 S. WACKER DR, 1st Floor, Suite 35R, Chicago, IL 60606
Property Details
Legal Description
Parcel 1: The East 20.00 feet of the West 75.00 feet of the South 56 feet of the North 224 feet of the following described tract: That part of lot "A" lying South of a line drawn at right angles to the West line of said lot "A" 224 feet South of the Northwest corner thereof, in Daidone and Divincenzo in Sauganash, being a Resubdivision of part of Ogden and Jones Subdivision of Bronson's part of Caldwell's reservation in Township 40 North, Range 13, East of The Third Principal Meridian, part of those portions of Vacated North Sauganash Avenue lying between West Devon Avenue and North Keene Avenue and of lots 43 and 58 and part of lot 56 in second Devon and Cicero Avenue Addition, being a subdivision of part of lot 3 in assessor's division of the Northwest Fractional 1/4 of Section 3, Township 40 North, Range 13, East of The Third Principal Meridian, lying Northeast of Caldwell's Reservation and North of the Indian boundary line, and of the South 10 Acres of lot 7 in the assessor's division of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 34, Township 41 North, Range 13, East of The Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois; Parcel 2: The South 9.50 feet of the North 187.0 feet (except the West 95.33 feet thereof) of the aforesaid "Tract"