Auction Information
Bidding is located at:
The Administration Building, 157 North Main Street main entrance lobby, EDWARDSVILLE, IL, 62025
Property Details
Legal Description
From a stone set at the Center of Section Thirty-four (34) Township Four (4) North, Range Eight West in Madison County, Illinois Measure West along the South line of the Troy Road being along the East and West One half (1/2) Section line a distance of Six Hundred Twenty-nine and Three Tenths (629.3) feet to an iron pin set in the Edwardsville-Glen Carbon Road; thence South Thirty Seven Degrees (37) Seven minutes (7) West and following along a line in the Edwardsville-Glen Carbon Road for a distance of Nine Hundred Twenty-three and Seventy One Hundreds (923.70) feet to a point which said point is the place of beginning of the Tract hereinafter described; thence Southeasterly and at right angle to said line in Edwardsville-Glen Carbon Road One Hundred Fifty-One and Two Tenths (151.2) feet; thence Northeasterly and parallel with the said line in the Edwardsville-Glen Carbon Road Seventy-One and One Tenths (71.1) feet; thence Northwesterly One Hundred Fifty-One and Two Tenths (151.2) feet to a point in the said the line of Edwardsville-Glen Carbon Road; thence South Thirty-seven (37) degrees Seven (7) minutes Seventy-One and One Tenth (71.1) feet to the place of beginning; subject however to a public easement for a roadway over a strip of the uniform width of Thirty-One Four Tenths (31.4) feet off of the Northwest part thereof.