711 South Kedzie Avenue

2 ba|1840 sqft

Auction Information

This auction is listed solely for informational purposes.

Bidding is located at:
The Judicial Sales Corp.

Property Details

Single Family

Legal Description

That part of the South 17 feet of Lot 21 and all of Lots 22, 23, 24 and 25 and the North 8 feet of Lot 26, all Taken as a tract, in Block 2 in George K. Shoenberger's subdivision of the East 1/4 of the North 40 Rods of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 14, and the Northwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 13, all in Township 39 North, Range 13, East of the third principal meridian according to the plat of said George K. Shoenberger's subdivision recorded July 1, 1892 as Document No. 1693999, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said tract, thence South 00 degrees 47 minutes 45 seconds East along the West line of said tract, 40.08 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 89 degrees 09 minutes 54 seconds East along the Westerly Extension of a party Wall, 50.97 feet to an intersection with a line drawn between the Northeast and Southeast corners of a concrete foundation; thence south 00 degrees 48 minutes 31 seconds East 18.36 feet to the Southeast corner of said concrete foundation; thence South 89 degrees 06 minutes 14 seconds West along the South face of said concrete foundation and Westerly Extension thereof 50.98 feet to the West line of said tract; thence North 00 degrees 47 minutes 45 seconds West, 18.41 feet to the point of beginning in Cook County, Illinois.


Foreclosure Details

Andrews Federal Credit Union
Joanna Morawska
Cook County Circuit Court
Joel Chupack

Conditions of Sale

Auction will be held in-person. Please reach out to tjsc@atgf.com for questions and terms and conditions regarding a specific auction.

View Full Auction Conditions of Sale
This auction is listed solely for informational purposes.
Tue 8/1/2023 10:30 AM CDT