1560 North Sandburg TerraceApartment 709J


Auction Information

This auction is listed solely for informational purposes.

Bidding is located at:
The Judicial Sales Corp.

Property Details


Legal Description

Unit No. 709J, in Carl Sandburg Village Condominium Unit No. 7, as delineated on a survey of the following described Real Estate: Lot 1 (except the North 85.05 feet and the East 30.00 feet thereof), Lot 2 (except the South 56.30 feet of the West 175.50 feet thereof), Lot 3 and that portion of Germania Place lying West of the West Line of the said East 30.00 feet of Lot 1 extended South to the North Line of said Lot 2, all in Chicago Land Clearance Commission No. 3, being a consolidation of Lots and parts of Lots and vacated alleys in Bronson's addition to Chicago and certain Resubdivisions, all in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 4, Township 39 North, Range 14 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, which survey is attached as exhibit 'A' to the declaration of Condominium recorded as document 25382049 and filed as document LR3179558, together with its undivided percentage interest in the common elements.


Foreclosure Details

The Huntington National Bank
Christiena P. Auguste
Cook County Circuit Court
Lloyd Brooks
This auction is listed solely for informational purposes.
Tue 7/11/2023 10:30 AM CDT