Property Details
Property Description
2 BR / 1.5 BA Condominium w/ 1 Car Garage containing 1,440 Sq Ft +/- built in 1968. Appraised $ 80,000.00 2/3 Min bid $ 53,333.33. Property must sell for 2/3 of appraised value. --- Online Only Offering with bids ending mid-day. See auction details for exact time. 5% buyers premium will apply over and above high bid. Please read terms and conditions for details related to purchasing foreclosure property. Brokers welcome. Contact PSO for broker registration and co-op-info. Interior showings are not available. *** Info available has come from public sources. Auctioneer has not been granted access to the to the property.
Legal Description
Sherwood Forest Townhouse Condominium, Condominium Family Unit Number B-7. A condominium in Sylvania Township, Lucas County, Ohio, according to the Declaration of Condominium Ownership, its Bylaws and Drawings, filed for record in the Office of the County Recorder, Lucas County, Ohio on July 29, 1968 at 10:25 a.m. and recorded in Volume 1944 of Deeds, Pages 669 through 690, both inclusive; Volume 1944 of Deeds, Pages 690 through 705, both inclusive; and Volume 1944 of Deeds, Pages 706 through 713, both inclusive, and according to the First Amendment to Declaration of Condominium Ownership and Bylaws of Sherwood Forest Townhouse Condominiums filed for record in the Office of the County Recorder, Lucas County, Ohio on December 9, 1982 at 3:50 p.m. as Deed No. 82-0418-B10, and 82-0418-C12 and on December 10, 1982 at 10:51 a.m. as Deed No. 82-0419-C01 and Second Amendment to Declaration of Condominium Ownership and Bylaws filed for record in the Office of the County Recorder, Lucas County, Ohio, on March 26, 1986 at 10:30 a.m. as Deed No. 86-0075-A11, together with the undivided interest in the common areas and facilities declared in the said Declaration to be appurtenant to such unit. Such unit is further subject to all rights, privilges, duties, easements, conditions, restricitons and limitations contained in the said Declaration, Bylaws, Drawings, First Amendment and Second Amendment to said Declaration and Bylaws and Chapter 5311 of The Ohio Revised Code.
Foreclosure Details
Conditions of Sale
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