Property Details
Legal Description
The following described premises, situated in the Township of Rush, County of Tuscarawas and State of Ohio: Situated in the Township of Rush, County of Tuscarawas, State of Ohio. Being a part of the North half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 18 in Township 6, Range 1, the part hereby conveyed being more fully described as follows:- Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 18, thence with the east line thereof, South 2 deg. 32 min. West, 211.3 feet; thence leaving said line South 71 deg. 01 min. West 207.2 feet; thence North 14 deg. 02 min. West, 300.2 feet to a point in the north line of said Quarter Section; thence with the North line thereof, South 87 deg. 22 min. East 278.35 feet to the place of beginning, containing 1.39 acres, more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Including that manufactured home more specifically described as a FALLCREEK Mobile/Manufactured Home, Manufacturer's Serial No. FC01191599AB. The Tax Bill Account Number is 4800598 and the Title Number is 7900410186.
Foreclosure Details
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