Property Details
Legal Description
Lot 7 of Davis' Subdivision of Lot 41 in Dutton and Benson's Second Addition to the Town, now City of Pittsfield; and A part of Lot 18 of a Re-Subdivision of Lots 3, 4, 5, 17, and 18 of said Davis' Subdivision described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 1 of said Davis' Subdivision, running thence North 14.8 feet, Thence East 160 feet, thence North 80 feet, thence East to a point 150 feet West of the East line of Lot 18a of said Re-Subdivision, thence South 94.8 feet, more or less, to a point on the North line of Lot 5 of said Re-Subdivision that is 150 feet West of the East line of Lot 18b, thence West to the place of beginning, as shown by a plat of a survey showing a subdivision of said Lot 41, recorded in Volume 7 of Surveyor's Record, on page 321, in the Office of said Recorder of Deeds, all situated in the County of Pike, in the State of Illinois.