Property Details
Property Description
3BR / 1 BA Single Family Home w/ containing 1,632 Sq Ft +/- built in 1920. Appraised $ 54,000.00 2/3 Min bid $ 36000.00. Property must sell for 2/3 of appraised value. --- Online Only Offering with bids ending mid-day. See auction details for exact time. 5% buyers premium will apply over and above high bid. Please read terms and conditions for details related to purchasing foreclosure property. Interior showings are not available. *** Info available has come from public sources. Auctioneer has not been granted access to the to the property.
Legal Description
The following described premises, situated in the City of Painesville, County of Lake and State of Ohio: Parcel No. I: Situated in the City of Painesville, County of Lake and State of Ohio: And known as being a part of Sublots No. 2 and 3 of the Wm. H. Ede subdivision as recorded in Vol. F page 19 of Lake County record of plats and part of lots 59, 60, 61 and 62 of the C.A. Wilcox survey as recorded in volume "A" page 13 of Lake County record of plats, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning on the Easterly line of Lexington Avenue at the North Westerly corner of land conveyed to Florence Elaine Nornsby by deed recorded in volume 128, page 401, Lake County records of deeds; thence North 56 deg. 40' 30" East along the North Westerly line of said land conveyed to Hornsby a distance of 173.12 feet to an iron post set in the Easterly line of the Ede subdivision, said point being also the North Westerly corner of a parcel of land conveyed to Florence E. Hornsby by deed recorded in volume 200, page 91 of Lake County records of deeds; thence continuing North 56 degrees 40' 30" East along the North Westerly line of land so conveyed to Florence Hornsby, a distance of 187.54 feet to an iron pipe stake in the Easterly line of Sublot No. 62 of the C.A. Wilcox survey as before mentioned; thence North 34 degrees 49' 50" West along said Easterly line of Sublot No. 62 a distance of 52.62 feet to an iron pipe set in a South Easterly corner of a parcel of land conveyed to Anna R. Heath by deed recorded in volume 200, page 92, Lake County records of deeds; thence South 56 degrees 40' 30" West along the South Easterly line of land so conveyed to Anna R. heath a distance of 173.89 feet to an iron pipe set in the Easterly line of said Ede subdivision; said point being also the North Easterly corner of a parcel of land conveyed to Anna R. Heath by deed recorded in volume 330, page 469, Lake County records of deeds; thence South 56 degrees 37' 30" West along the Southerly line of land conveyed to Robert L. Bandy by deed recorded in volume 854, page 439 of Lake County records, a distance of 166.18 feet; thence South 12 degrees 30' 0" East along said Easterly line of Lexington Avenue, a distance of about 56.28 feet to the principal place of beginning, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways. Parcel No. II: Situated in the City of Painesville, County of Lake and State of Ohio: and known as being part of Sublot No. 62 of the Charles A. Wilcox subdivision as recorded in volume a, page 13 of Lake County plat records and also a part of Wilcox street as vacated September 6, 1932 by City Ordinance No. 1872, being bounded and described as follows: beginning at an iron pipe found in the centerline of said vacated Wilcox street from which an iron rail monument found at the intersection of said centerline with the Easterly line of Lexington Avenue, 60 feet wide, bears S. 56 degrees 40' 30" W. 392.61 feet; thence S. 56 degrees 40' 30" W. 50.00 feet along the centerline of said vacated Wilcox street to an iron pin set; thence N. 34 degrees 49' 50" W. 78.62 feet to an iron pin set in the prolongation of the Northerly line of Sublot No. 1 of the William H. Ede re-subdivision as recorded in volume F, page 19 of Lake County plat records; thence N. 56 degrees 40' 30" E. 50.00 feet along said prolongation to an iron pipe found in the Easterly line of said Sublot No. 62; thence S. 34 degrees 49' 50" E. 78.62 feet along said Easterly line of Sublot No. 62 and its prolongation to the place of beginning and containing 0.090 of an acre of land according to a survey made June, 1980 by Wm. R. Gray Associates, Inc., professional engineers and surveyors.
Foreclosure Details
Conditions of Sale
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