Property Details
Property Description
Subject Property is a 3 BR / 3 BA Single Family Home w/ containing 3,030 Sq Ft +/- built in 1969. Minimum bid $ 56666.67. All auctions end Wednesday's at 1pm. 5% buyers premium will apply over and above high bid. Please read terms and conditions for details related to purchasing foreclosure property. Interior showings are not available. *** Info available has come from public sources. Auctioneer has not been granted access to the to the property.
Legal Description
Situate in the City of Gallipolis, in the County of Gallia and State of Ohio: Situated in 7 acre Lot no. 7 and beginning at a point which is approximately 141.9 feet East of the West line of said 7 acre Lot no. 7 and 66 feet; North of the South line of said lot, said point also being the southeast corner of a .98 acre tract conveyed by Goldie C. Dobbins, et al, to Foster and Doris Champer, of record in Volume 131, Page 316, deed records of Gallia County, Ohio; Thence South 72 degrees East 138 feet to the middle of Henkle Avenue (formerly Plum street); Thence South 44 degrees 30' West following the centerline of said Henkle avenue 100 feet; Thence North 72 degrees West 138 feet to a point in the East line of the .98 acre tract above referred to; Thence North 44 degrees 30' East 100 feet to the place of beginning, containing .32 of an acre, more or less.
Foreclosure Details
Conditions of Sale
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