Property Details
Property Description
Subject Property is a 3 BR / 1.5 BA Single Family Home w/ containing 1,664 Sq Ft +/- built in 1971. Minimum bid $ 66666.67. All auctions end Wednesday's at 1pm. 5% buyers premium will apply over and above high bid. Please read terms and conditions for details related to purchasing foreclosure property. Interior showings are not available. *** Info available has come from public sources. Auctioneer has not been granted access to the to the property.
Legal Description
Situated in the Township of Auburn, County of Geauga, and State of Ohio and further known as being a part of Section 1, Tract 2 and part of Original Lot 1, Tract 3 in said township, more fully bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pin on the westerly line of Auburn Township, at its intersection with a center line of Taylor-May Road, 60 feet wide; Thence North 66? 48' 34" East along the center line of Taylor-May Road for a distance of 855.40 feet to the principal place of beginning; Thence North 3? 58' 24" East, 1398.87 feet; Thence North 66? 48' 34" East, 525.00 feet; Thence South 3? 58' 24" West, 174.87 feet; Thence South 66? 48' 34" West, 200.00 feet; Thence South 3? 58' 24" West, 1224.00 feet to the center line of Taylor-May Road as aforesaid; Thence South 66? 48' 34" West along the center line of Taylor-May Road for a distance of 325.00 feet to the principal place of beginning, being subject to all legal highways and easements or restrictions of record and containing 10.00 acres of land as surveyed by Karl D. Stonebraker, Registered Ohio surveyor No. 5588. Excepting and reserving from the above described a certain parcel conveyed to David L. Fuhry by deed dated July 11, 1978 and being recorded by the Geauga County Recorder of Deeds on August 2, 1978 and as appears at Volume 625, Page 943 of said Geauga County Recorder Deed Records, and as is more fully described as follows: Situated in the Township of Auburn, County of Geauga, and State of Ohio and known as being part of Original Auburn Township Section No. 1, Tract Two, and part of Original Auburn Township Lot No. 1, Tract Three, and together forming a parcel of land bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pin in the Westerly line of Auburn Township at its intersection with the center line of Taylor-May Road (60 feet wide); Thence North 66? 48' 34" East, along the center line of Taylor-May Road, a distance of 855.40 feet to the principal place of beginning, said principal place of beginning being the Southeasterly corner of land conveyed to J. & M. Hawkins by deed recorded in Volume 542, Page 1140 of Geauga County Deed Records; Thence North 3? 58' 24" East, along the Easterly line of land so conveyed to J. & M. Hawkins and along an Easterly line of land conveyed to L. & S. Hamlin by deed recorded in Volume 531, Page 871 of Geauga County Deed Records, a total distance of 1398.87 feet; Thence North 66? 48' 34" East, along a Southeasterly line of land so conveyed to L. & S. Hamlin, a distance of 525.00 feet to the Westerly line of land conveyed to J. & C. Yen by deed recorded in Volume 542, Page 843 of Geauga County Deed Records; Thence South 3? 58' 24" West, along the Westerly line of land so conveyed to J. & C. Yen, a distance of 57.50 feet; Thence South 66? 48' 34" West a distance of 365.00 feet; Thence South 3? 58' 24" West a distance of 1341.37 feet to the center line of Taylor-May Road; Thence South 66? 48' 34" West, along the center line of Taylor-May Road, a distance of 160.00 feet to the principal place of beginning and containing 5.000 Acres of land, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
Foreclosure Details
Conditions of Sale
Auction By