530 North Shaffer Street

4 bd|1 ba|1683 sqft

Property Details

3400600005403003, 3400600005403002, 3400600005403001
Single Family

Property Description

Subject Property is a 4 BR / 1 BA Single Family Home containing 1,683 Sq Ft +/- built in 1901. Minimum bid $ 26,666.67. All auctions end Wednesday's at 1pm. 5% buyers premium will apply over and above high bid. Please read terms and conditions for details related to purchasing foreclosure property. Interior showings are not available. Buyer agents must register with Auctioneer to earn commission at https://www.gryphonusa.com/broker-acknowledgement-form/ *** Information available has come from public sources and is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. Buyers should conduct their own due diligence before bidding. Auctioneer/PSO has not physically viewed the property.

Legal Description

Situate in the City of Springfield, County of Clark and in the State of Ohio, and bounded and described as follows: Tract I: Being all of Lot No. Five Hundred Four Hundred Nine (5409), and the east half of Lot No. Five Thousand Four Hundred Ten (5410), as the same are numbered and designated on a plat of lots laid out by Henry J. Funk in addition to said city. Also a portion of a vacated alley recorded in ordinance #85-157. Tract II: Being the west half of Lot No. Fifty-Four Hundred Ten (5410), as the same is numbered and designated on a plat of lots laid out by Henry J. Funk in said city, said plat is recorded in Vol. 2, Pages 192 and 193, of the Plat Records of Clark County, Ohio.


Foreclosure Details

PNC Bank, National Association
Name(s) Unknown, the Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, beneficiaries of Arthur E. Voorhees, AKA Arthur Edward Voorhees and their unknown spouses and creditors; and, the unknown spouse of Arthur E. Voorhees, AKA Arthur Edward Voorhees, John Doe(s)
Clark County Court of Common Pleas
Richard J. O'Neill

Conditions of Sale

Binding Auction Agreement

The terms and conditions set forth in this agreement apply to the auction of the property identified on the property details page.  Your participation in the auction of the property indicates your intent – and results in your agreement – to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement.  If you do not wish to be bou...

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The auction has ended.
Wed 7/31/2019 1:00 PM EDT
Wed 8/7/2019 1:00 PM EDT